Saturday, July 27, 2019

5G Spectrum :Mmwave and more

5G Spectrum

MmWave :Used to Attain Capacity

  1. This band has a very short wavelength which means less coverage. Mmwave range offers around coverage of upto 100-150 meters
  2. The objective with mmWave is to increase the data bandwidth available over smaller, densely populated areas.Its expected to provide extremely high data rates.
  3. Reflections in Mmwave band provide alternative path when line of sight is blocked .
  4. Small objects affect Mmwave propagation.
  5. The maximum bandwidth is 400 Mhz.

Sub 6GHz: Used to attain Coverage and Capacity 

  1. Its a mid-band group, which is everything between 1 and 6GHz
  2. This spectrum is congested with the existing 2.4GHz and 5GHz Wi-Fi and  we also have the LTE network and Bluetooth frequencies in the 2-3 GHz range .
  3. The new 5G frequencies will appear in the 3-4GHz range so it will be in between the WiFi and LTE networks to avoid any congestion.
  4. The maximum bandwidth is 100 Mhz

Low Band:Used to attain mainly Coverage
  1. Sub 6 and mm wave don't work as well over long distances ,so the low band is a very good option for wide area coverage and deep indoor coverage
  2. The low band is already occupied with the existing 2G ,3G and partially also used for 4G networks  along with the TV broadcast frequencies.
  3. The 700 MHz /800 MHz band if available can form the backbone of wide area coverage for  5G networks and help improve cell edge connectivity along with indoor coverage.

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